DEO Arena Development Update. Dear community,. The release of DEO Arena has been postponed a little bit.

04 Jul 2022, 12:31
DEO Arena Development Update Dear community, The release of DEO Arena has been postponed a little bit. In recent weeks, we have decided to upgrade some things in order to make DEO Arena as good as possible. Referral codes will be ready once the game is launched in order to give an additional incentive to all members of our community. Referral rewards will be received from the burning part of the game (12.5% of total DEO invested) and those rewards will be distributed for each game played, it does not matter if your referral player wins or loses. Example 1 If both players have not used referral code, 12.5% of DEO tokens from the total number that entered the match will be burned. Example 2 If only one of the two players has used the referral code, 11.25% of DEO tokens from the total number that entered the match will be burned, and 1.25% of DEO tokens will go to the owner of the referral code (referrer). Example 3 If both players have used the referral code, 10% of DEO tokens will be burned from the total amount that came into the match, and 1.25% (2.50% all together) will go to the owners of the referral codes (referrers) from both players. This new segment in the game should bring more new players into the arena and increase community activity. As for the game development, the backend part is being developed, which will enable a larger number of players on different servers at the same time. DEO Arena website is being developed. We are also waiting for the designers to finish their part, which should be done by the end of the week. We are also considering whether the free game will last 1 or 2 weeks, during that period we would contact Twitch steamers, Youtubers and other influencers who would promote the DEO Arena and be able to try out the game in the first two weeks together with their communities. If you have any suggestion or idea for the promotion of the DEO Arena, feel free to write us. Thank you for your support, Ceres team